> 製品 > 手術用レーザー > 使い捨ておよび再利用可能な耳鼻咽喉科手術用レーザーファイバー
  • 使い捨ておよび再利用可能な耳鼻咽喉科手術用レーザーファイバー使い捨ておよび再利用可能な耳鼻咽喉科手術用レーザーファイバー


PBM Medical Laser は、使い捨ておよび再利用可能な耳鼻咽喉科手術用レーザー ファイバーの業界リーダーであり、耳、鼻、喉の手術のための最先端のソリューションの提供に注力しています。当社の使命は、より広い波長範囲、正確な製品アプリケーション、および柔軟な製品互換性を提供することで、世界中の医療専門家の多様なニーズを満たすことです。
部品名: ファイバーメディックス



Disposable and Reusable ENT Surgery Laser Fibers

PBM Medical Fibre offers a full range of packaged solutions for laser therapy in ENT and pharyngeal areas. Whether for minimally invasive outpatient laser treatments or complex clinical procedures in the operating theatre, our flat-tipped side-illuminated laser fibers provide full wavelength coverage from 400-2400nm, allowing for easy cutting or vaporization of soft tissues, especially in delicate areas such as the ear, nose, and throat. Both disposable and reusable fibers are available to meet different needs. Custom lengths are available for a personalized medical experience.

The Advantage of Disposable and Reusable ENT Surgery Laser Fibers:

  • Multi-wavelength compatibility: FDA-approved to transmit multiple wavelengths for flexibility and cost savings.
  • SMA-905 Compatibility: Equipped with SMA-905 connectors, compatible with most laser systems, handles, and endoscopes on the market.
  • Efficient Energy Output: Non-tapered recessed connector design improves output efficiency and reduces the risk of breakage.
  • Excellent bending performance: with an inner diameter of less than 400um, it can be bent more than 270°, which is suitable for flexible lens surgery.
  • High transmittance efficiency: Pure silicon core, total internal reflection, ensuring near-perfect transmittance efficiency.
  • Coating layer: silicon, four-layer coating layer, sturdy and durable.

Specification of Disposable and Reusable ENT Surgery Laser Fibers:

Indications of the Disposable and Reusable ENT Surgery Laser Fibers:

  • Intranasal surgery
  • Oropharyngeal surgery (including Osler's disease)
  • Ear surgery (including precision middle ear surgery, stapes prosthesis)
  • Laryngeal surgery (including tumors, syringomas, stenosis, and vocal cord polyps)
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

Production Details of the Disposable and Reusable ENT Surgery Laser Fibers:

Contact us now for product brochure and Inquiry.

ホットタグ: 使い捨ておよび再利用可能な耳鼻咽喉科手術用レーザーファイバー、ダイオード、医療用、CE、FDA、光生体変調、HLLT / HILT、カスタマイズされた、クラス IV/クラス 4、メーカー



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